Canberra Bonsai Society has members with extensive experience in both traditional material and Australian plants as bonsai. We offer members the opportunity to develop bonsai knowledge and skills through: - monthly meetings with presentations, show and tell, and help to work on trees
- demonstrations and workshops from leading bonsai artists
- field excursions and trips to interstate nurseries.
Major events for the year include: - Our annual show in October
- Coordinating the Australian Native Plants as Bonsai annual exhibition
CBS members act as volunteer guides and help maintain the bonsai on display at the National Bonsai and Penjing Collection of Australia, located at the National Arboretum Canberra. We invite you to explore our website and visitors are most welcome at our monthly meetings.

Special Events & Reminders
The 2025 AABC Convention in Canberra |
Save the Date! The AABC awarded next year’s Convention to the Canberra Bonsai Society and will be held from Friday 16 May to Monday 19 May, 2025.
Information about the Convention can be accessed via www.canberrabonsai.club or directly from this Convention page link << 2025AABC Convention website >>.
The Bonsai Exhibition held in association with the Convention is open to the Public on Saturday 17 May- Sunday 18 May, 2025 More information can be fornd at the Convention Bonsai Exhibition, along with access to 14 vendors from around Australia offering trees, pots, tools, and equipment for sale.
Download a brochure for the Exhibition.
Other Events